Thursday, January 3, 2013



                    Wooo so many Goosebumps while writing this post on "TRUSTWORTHY", dunno why? Maybe i have tried to trust but failed, or maybe i had kept many conditions to check the Truthfulness of a person. This is just haunting me night and day .... i mean isn't there anyone who is quite Trusty enough that i don't lose hope of finding Trust in People. This TRUST thing not only haunts me but all others who expect someone to be trustful  to them. Be it the MOTHER who TRUSTS her children that they wont do anything which will put her to shame or the FATHER who TRUSTS his daughter that she won't run away with some Loser or his SON that he won't betray them when he gets Married. Be it the BRIDE who TRUSTS her GROOM that he  will be TRUTHful to her. Be it the Lover who shows TRUTH to his companion before Marriage assuring that he will be with her till the End.
                 Many Realtionships FAIL due to Lack of TRUST. Is demanding TRUTH or expecting it from someone is wrong? Will continue this Later till then lets hope that i find someone worthy of TRUTHfullness ..... :)

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